January 5, 2007


I got this today, "You won't be traveling before Tet, we are pretty sure of that."

So, March. Some good things about traveling in March are, better flights, cheaper airfare, being in Vietnam for my birthday and getting to spend my time off closer to summer (better weather)

Anyone else looking at a March travel?


  1. We will most likely be there in early March with you. I actually just replied to your post on the travel talk group, too. I wonder how many other families are being affected.

    March 1st is only 7 weeks 6 days now. :) That's not TOO bad.

  2. We aren't traveling until the end of February or 1st of March either. It seems like a long time, but it will give us all time to pack and get better hotel and airfare packages.
    Hope to see you all there.


  3. You all are so lucky! I want go with you guys. Can it be my turn too?
