January 17, 2007

annoying waiting mommy emails

Ok, I have been stalking our agency director. I have been trying not to email her too much but I broke down and just sent a email, darn it. I couldn't take it any longer. Mind you, I just emailed her yesterday, darn. urg.

Gosh could you imagine being a social worker at one of the bigger agencies you must get sooo manny email all asking the same thing. I have to say I'm probably not the most patient. So hopefully she will forgive me.

btw, I was asking when we where going to get updated pictures. I have to laugh, I actually almost wrote "if you have any news on our paperwork I would be interested in that too". But I stopped myself, and didn't ask that :)


  1. LOL. Do you know I have yet to talk to anyone at "our" agency, save for our regional director when we applied and were accepted? I just know I am going to go crazy when I am at the point you are at, and I am sure I will make you look like the most laid back, relaxed, and patient mommy in the world.

  2. Oh Beth, you sound just like me. I try and fight the urge to email each and every day! And yes I occasionally give in. :)

  3. I gotta say- I gave in and just called my regional office yesterday. I had sent a few emails with no replies...I was feeling a bit crazed. But I learned that the woman who is my contact (for TX) is the ONLY one for the state of TX!! Poor lady. Now I know why my emails haven't been returned more promptly. I hope this isn't the case for your regional office, but if it is -it could explain a few things. Hang in there.

  4. Hey I'm with you! I fight the urge everyday to e-mail or call my agency. I have them on speed dial "just in case".


  5. I can imagine how hard it is during the wait for travel! Thankfully, so far anyway, my agency is very quick to respond. But you are paying them your hard earned money, so e-mailing frequently is perfectly reasonable.
