March 26, 2007

We leave in 7 days

First, thank you all for your comments, it's wonderful to see all the support of other who have been there or will be soon.

After we got our referral I think I went around from a week saying 'can you believe it', 'can you believe it', 'can you believe it'. Now, I find myself doing the same thing, ' can you believe we will be in Vietnam in a week meeting our daughter!' What a wonderful feeling. We leave in 7 days. There's a lot to do in those 7 days, but we are ready! My husband and I are both taking off Friday to go do something special together before we become a family of three. If it doesn't rain hopefully we will get to go out to one of the islands outside of Seattle.

March 22, 2007


We got our travel call this morning! We are so thrilled to be going! We will leave the first week of April to get our little girl!

March 21, 2007

Ok, usually I'm not such a downer or negative person, generally I'm upbeat and positive at least I like to think so :)

Now, to get to the negative. I'm really having a hard time. This month has been awful. First we are told we are going in March, we get really excited. Tell everyone, plan and wait. Well now. We are told we aren't going in March and they don't know when we are going. Also other families from our agency are getting there G&R dates who got referrals after us. I'm excited for those families and very happy for them, but it hurts that we cannot go with them. I know life isn't fair but I guess I'm learning that lesson again.

If anyone has some advice to help keep me sane, let me know

March 19, 2007

pictures of our sweetheart!

Still waiting on our G&R date, but wanted to share a new picture we got. You can see why we are dying to travel!

March 15, 2007

*warning I may whine a little here*

So, we where told we would travel this month, well... It's March 15th and considering they have to give us some notice I'm starting to doubt we will go this month.

Also to make matters worse, I have been feeling physically horrible. I'm been having intense awful muscle spasms consistently through out the day. I even went to the doctor. They couldn't find anything, they never seem too. They gave me vicodin, a solution it seems that is always given when they cannot find anything. I hate taking drugs like that, so I have only taken a few. I'm starting to think it's stress. I'm trying not to get all worked up but it's so hard waiting like this. I swear this is taking years of my life. Ok, enough babbling.

March 8, 2007

Mr. march you are a very long month

Knowing we will go sometime in March makes me super excited, but march is really long. Say we get our approval today, then i would guess we would go on March 19th. Probably too optimistic. So if we get it next week I would guess we would get to go on the 26th. I really wish we knew our date but it looks more like we will be closer to 5 months waiting to travel when we go.

March 2, 2007

4 months and updates!

Today marks 4 months that we have been waiting to travel. Honestly, I didn't think we would be waiting this long. Since most of the families waiting for HCMC from our agency traveled between 2-3 months. I think Tet slowed us down quiet a bit.

But, the coolest thing is we got an update!! We are told they expect us to travel by the end of the month! YEA!!!! We would rather have ta, but knowing that we will go in March is so exciting. March is the month I get to meet my daughter :)